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Saturday 18 April 2020

Tim Cook named to California task force focused on economic recovery

Cook is one of seventy members dedicated to helping reopen California's economy.

What you need to know

  • Tim Cook has joined California's economic recovery task force.
  • The task force was announced by California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday.
  • Over seventy government and business leaders are on the panel.

Tim Cook is reportedly joining a panel of other business leaders to help bring California's economy back to full strength after the coronavirus pandemic has subsided.

In a new report from CNBC, Gavin Newsom, the Governer of California, announced a panel of over seventy members to assist in the recovery of California's economy. Cook joins other government and business leaders such as the former Chair of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen as well as Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger.

Billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer will co-chair the task force with Ann O'Leary, Newsom's chief of staff. The group currently plans to meet at least twice a month through the rest of the year with the goal of helping to get the state's economy back up and running as quickly as possible.

California has joined Oregon and Washington in a collaborative effort to reopen their states when the medical community deems it safe enough to do so. Newsom has so far not given any exact date when California would begin to lift its stay at home order, with the entire state still under the order until at least May 3rd.

California's economy, despite being one state in the United States, is the fifth-largest economy in the world. With over 2.7 million residents already unemployed, the coronavirus pandemic has taken an enormous toll on the state's economy.

Newsom acknowledged the severity of the impact and, to help bring jobs back as fast as possible, assembled the task force that Tim Cook has now joined.

from iMore - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch blog

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