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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Apple Unveils Fifth-Generation iPad, iPad Air

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5 Million People Downloaded BBM for iOS, Android in Just 8 Hours

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Apple announces new covers for the iPad Air and iPad mini, prices start at $39

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Apple drops price of regular iPad mini to $299

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Apple debuts new iPad mini with Retina display, available next month for $399

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Apple unveils the 1-pound iPad Air with a 9.7-inch Retina display: shipping November 1st for $499

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Apple unveils the 1-pound iPad Air with a 9.7-inch Retina display: shipping November first for $499

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Apple: 170 million iPads sold to-date

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Apple redesigns iWork, brings collaboration features via iCloud

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Apple announces new version of iLife for OS X Mavericks and iOS, all available today

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Mac Pro launches in December for $3,000: 3.7GHz quad-core Xeon CPU, 12GB RAM, 256GB SSD

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MacBook Pros Get a Battery Boost With Intel's Haswell Chips

OS X Mavericks Is Here Today and It's Free!

Apple Announces Price, Release Date for Mac Pro

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Apple Debuts New Retina MacBook Pro Line

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Apple Launches OS Mavericks X Now Available for Free

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Apple unveils Haswell-based MacBook Pros with Retina display

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Apple's OS X Mavericks 10.9 will arrive as a free download today

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Apple App Store hits 60 billion cumulative downloads

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Abbás Ibn Firnás, ¿quizás el verdadero inventor del paracaídas?

Abbás Ibn Firnás

Retrato de Abbás Ibn Firnás en el Muncyt

Hoy Google homenajea a André Jacques Garnerin en el 216 aniversario del primer salto en paracaídas fehacientemente documentado.

Pero hay un personaje en la historia, muy anterior a Garnerin y bastante desconocido, del que se dice que podría haber sido el inventor del paracaídas.

Se trata de Abbás Ibn Firnás , nacido allá por el año 810 en lo que hoy es Ronda, de quien se cuenta que en 852 se lanzó desde lo alto de una torre de Córdoba con una enorme lona que le permitió amortiguar su caída.

Lamentablemente no podemos saber a ciencia cierta si esa historia es real porque llega hasta nuestros días por fuentes de segunda mano; de hecho hay incluso cierta confurción acerca de si Ibn Firnás es el mismo

Pero en cualquier caso Abbás Ibn Firnás no sólo sufría de aerotrastorno sino que diseñó una clepsidra, era capaz de fabricar «piedras para leer», a las que hoy llamaríamos lentes correctoras, tenía montado una especie de planetario en su casa, descubrió una forma de fabricar vidrio transparente, etc, y aún tenía tiempo para dedicarse a la poesía y a la música.

Así que no es de extrañar que Ibn Firnás tenga un hueco en la Galería de Innovadores Españoles de la sede del Muncyt en A Coruña.

Claro que puestos a escoger aniversarios, hoy se cumplen 100 años del nacimiento de un tal Endre Ernö Friedmann, que se haría mundialmente conocido con el seudónimo Robert Capa, tal y como bien recordaba @cazurro.

# Enlace Permanente

via Microsiervos

Changes coming to Engadget's RSS feed

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Apple's 'a lot to cover' liveblog!

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Gmail and Google Docs now support handwriting input, make your Japanese term paper that much easier

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Sky to tweet near real-time video highlights from soccer matches

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How to Declutter Your Facebook News Feed Once and For All

Amazon increases free shipping minimum order to $35, pushes Prime membership as an alternative

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Garmin Tactix ruggedized GPS watch lets you play Navy SEAL for $450

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How to Watch the Apple iPad Event Live

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Amazon's boosting the minimum order eligible for free shipping to $35, a $10 increase.

Dogs Shaking in Super Slow Motion Will Fix Any Bad Day

Stats suggest plastic iPhone 5c is catching up with its prettier sibling

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Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets now available in 21 countries

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WSJ: Microsoft prototyping Google Glass-like device

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Microsoft Reportedly Testing Google Glass Competitor

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Windows RT 8.1 upgrade returns to the Windows Store

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WunWun Triples Orders Since Launch, Partners With Dwolla For Payment

Screenshot 2013-10-22 09.25.46

Hot on the heels of Dwolla’s big Dwolla Credit news, WunWun on-demand delivery service has some news of its own. Starting today, users of the service will be able to pay with Dwolla, either through Dwolla’s cash-based payments system or the new Dwolla Credit system.

See, as it stands now, WunWun charges their own corporate cards to make purchases for users, and then bills the users’ credit cards later. This automatically shaves between 2.5 and 3 percent off of the company’s earnings.

With Dwolla, users can pay straight from their bank account or use Dwolla credit to start making purchases instantly. WunWun eats the ten-cent fee that comes with Dwolla’s usual checking account payments solution.

See, WunWun doesn’t always make money from users’ on-demand orders. Users can request anything from a store and pay outright, with absolutely free delivery.

For custom orders, things like Chipotle burritos, picking up something from the post office, or a courier service, users pay $20 plus the cost of the request.

However, for Store orders, WunWun has a deal in place with retailers that auto-picks preferred stores for orders (if the user allows it), creating partnerships with retailers as orders are placed. In fact, brands can advertise against orders, in a similar manner as Google ad words.

Since last month, WunWun has tripled the number of orders coming through each month from 3,000 to over 10,000 this month. In fact, the company did over $20,000 in orders in a single day this month.

WunWun is available on the App Store for $.99.

via TechCrunch » Startups

Where to Watch Today's Apple iPad Event Livestream

Boldy Shower Where No Man Has Showered Before

Your Kindle Fire HDX's blue-tinged screen edge is perfectly normal

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Apple Will Live Stream Today's iPad Event

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Samsung's LTE Galaxy Express 2 launches on Vodafone UK tomorrow

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Instagram Coming to Windows Phone and Other News You Need to Know

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Apple pulls HMV music app after realizing it approved a competing music store

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Tim Cook Left the Stage for 77% of his Apple Keynotes

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Google Acquires Android Performance Startup FlexyCore For A Reported $23 Million

Google has acquired the french startup FlexyCore, which is best known for its Android performance boosting solution DroidBooster. Terms of the deal remain undisclosed, although France’s L’Expansion, which first reported the acquisition, has pegged the price at $23 million.

Google has confirmed the purchase, citing FlexyCore’s strong team and “expertise in building software to optimize Android device performance”. In fact, the startup’s team has already been integrated with Google’s Android team, while the acquisition has been a year in the making, having been concluded in October this year, apparently. That’s quite a protracted acquisition, even by the slowest of European standards.


via TechCrunch » Startups

Mainframe2 Brings Powerful Apps To Your Browser

Screen Shot 2013-10-22 at 12.21.36 PM

Menlo Park-based startup Mainframe2 came out of stealth at last week’s DEMO 2013 and unveiled its new cloud solution that lets you view graphical applications on any device.

Founded in 2012 by graphics industry veterans from MotionDSP and led by CEO Dr. Nikola Bozinovic, Mainframe2 promises to run any Windows-based application in the cloud. This includes applications like AutoCAD or Adobe Photoshop that, until now, required powerful workstations.

Users can simply sign in to Mainframe2 from any HTML5 capable browser and have instant access to their apps. No plugins, such as Java or Flash, are required. Applications are streamed directly from the cloud as video stream (encoded using technology provided by by NVIDIA, Intel, and AMD). It doesn’t yet work on Safari but they are working on more browser compatibility.

The company has raised half a million dollars in seed capital from Columbus Nova Technology Partners, Plug and Play Tech Center and several Valley-based angels.

Although the service can run any Windows based app, Bozinovic stated that the company will stay away from cloud gaming and focus on the lucrative professional application market instead by focusing on design, CAD, and HPC visualization. In other words, this isn’t another OnLive.

“The transition to a cloud-­hosted, pay­-as-­you-­go model has proven to be incredibly difficult for software developed over the last 30 years,” said Bozinovic. “Completely rewriting client software such as AutoCAD for the web has proven to be far too difficult, time consuming and expensive.”

Tthe company is in talks with some of the largest software vendors and enterprises, hoping to bring premium products to their new platform.

Although no numbers were disclosed, Mainframe2 reported “thousands of sign-ups” for their private beta in the last 5 days. The company is getting ready for the service rollout by the end of the year.

via TechCrunch » Startups

Google buys French company FlexyCore to make Android more buttery

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¡Una piedra! ¡Es una piedra!


¿No se ve capaz de cuidar una mascota real? ¿Le da lástima pensar que los animales a su cargo acabarán falleciendo? ¿Es usted un apasionado y amante del mundo de la geología? ¡Cuida tu Piedra es para usted!

Un palo, una piedra… ¡qué más da! Cuida tu Piedra [Android] se lleva el premio a la app absurda de la temporada:

Con esta fantástica aplicación podrá expresar todo su amor y cariño hacia la naturaleza, sin riesgo alguno. Con este divertido juego aprenderá la verdadera importancia de dar sin esperar nada a cambio. Póngale nombre, elija un tipo de piedra y... ¡Láncese a la aventura! Le garantizamos un montón de momentos inolvidables junto a su piedra.

Servir no sirve de mucho, es como un Tamagotchi sin pilas que además se ha caído desde un quinto piso… Pero hay que reconocer a los autores que al menos se esforzaron en la jocosa descripción (también de paso aprendieron a programar en Android, que es más práctico).


# Enlace Permanente

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