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Sunday, 22 February 2015

La impresionante «Torre Tesla» diseñada en los años 70 para generar rayos y pulsos electromagnéticos

No es en este caso haya unos científicos locos rusos intentando resucitar Wardenclyffe (que también) pero no se puede negar que estas imágenes tomadas por un dron en una zona normalmente inaccesible para el público tienen un toque tesialiano increíble – aunque fuera simplemente por el diseño y aspecto exterior. Y eso que el lugar está en Istra, a unos 40 kilómetros de Moscú.

De hecho los ingenieros del Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica Rusa que lo construyeron lo llamaban Torre Tesla – aunque en realidad se trata de un gigantesco generador Marx (llamado así por el alemán inventor Erwin Marx; nada que ver con Karl Marx ni con el comunismo ruso de la época), diseñado para generar pulsos de alto voltaje.

Según cuentan en Disinformation, que es donde lo vi, el proyecto de esta Torre Tesla data de los años 70: trataba de explorar los efectos del aislamiento y los rayos atmosféricos en las aeronaves, así como también lo que podían suponer los pulsos electromagnéticos (EMP) y las explosiones nucleares y erupciones solares al alcanzar a vehículos y electrónica de todo tipo.

En el vídeo el dron sube hasta lo más alto de la instalación para realizar unas tomas realmente llamativas. Según dicen la estructura era capaz de crear «rayos artificiales» de 150 metros. Su potencia era tal que en tan solo 100 microsegundos (0,1 s) podía descargar tanta energía como toda la que se generaba en toda Rusia, incluyendo la de las centrales nucleares.

La historia tiene mucho de interesante, y el vídeo es bonito, pero al provenir de RT –que no suele ser una fuente precisamente fiable– debería ser tomada con cautela. Pero ahí quedan las imágenes, tan bellas como las hubiera diseñado el mismísimo Tesla.

# Enlace Permanente

via Microsiervos

Apple's Oscar ad pitches iPad as filmmaking tool

via Tech

China used more concrete in 3 years than the US in 100 years

Bill Gates has an incredible statistic: According the USGS' cement statistics, China has used more concrete from 2011 to 2013 (6.6 gigatons) than the United States in the entire 20th century (4.5 gigatons). It blows my mind but, then again, as Gates point out, look at Shanghai's evolution...


via Gizmodo

Sprint promo gives your family 12GB of shared data for $90 per month

via Engadget RSS Feed

How to keep your Mac safe from adware like Genio and Installmac

Sluggish page loading, redirected web searches, popups you can't explain? Your Mac may be infected with adware, says a retail Mac expert.

I've had some choice things to say about "adware," software that redirects your web searches, and how to get rid of it. Annie Hayes (@abazoe on Twitter) is a Mac expert at iCape Solutions, the Apple Specialist reseller I work at. She has some more info for you. She was kind enough to link back to one of my pieces in her article. If you're in Hyannis, MA and need Mac help, Annie knows more than me. She's nicer, too.

Additionally, while Macs are resistant to viruses, we've seen a rise of adware/malware like Genio and Installmac. In our experience these are coming from downloading things like Adobe Flash from places other than Adobe's website (in fact, the best link is They're sneaky programs that in some cases can't be uninstalled with a simple drag and drop to the trash.

Every day our customers come in with problems with their Macs that they can't explain — web browsers redirecting to places they've never seen before, pop-ups appearing out of nowhere, slow and sluggish page loading in Safari and other web browsers. If this has happened to you, you may have an adware infection on your Mac. AdwareMedic and other apps can help:

from iMore - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch blog


BrydgeAir keyboard for iPad Air 2 review

The BrydgeAir keyboard case for iPad Air 2 boasts a full size, backlit keyboard, a built-in Bluetooth speaker system, and comes in high-end gold, silver, and space gray. But how does it perform?

Compatible with both generations of the iPad Air, the BrydgeAir keyboard provides hinges with removable rubber gaskets to fit each model. If you have an iPad Air 2, you'll just remove the iPad Air ones and replace them with the iPad Air 2 ones.

Sliding your iPad Air into the BrydgeAir's hinges is easy enough. You can then adjust for multiple viewing angles and close the hinge completely to transport your iPad and to protect the screen.

Around the front of the BrydgeAir keyboard case is the power, keyboard pair, and speaker button. The back of the BrydgeAir case has dedicated speakers you can use built right into the case. As nice of an idea as that is, the iPad Air 2's built-in speakers offer much better sound quality. The BrydgeAir's speakers sound very flat to me. In other words, I wouldn't consider the speakers a selling point.

The keyboard layout on the BrydgeAir is similar to what you'd find on a MacBook Air. The main difference is the top row of keys that are specific to iOS functions. There are dedicated buttons to turn the volume up and down, lock your iPad, use the Home button, adjust brightness, control music, and more. In the bottom row of keys you also have a dedicated button for Siri too.

As far as battery life goes, I've been running on a full charge for about a week now with about 1 to 2 hours of use a day. BrydgeAir claims up to three months of battery life on a single charge, depending on how much you utilize the backlit key and speaker features.

The backslash key on the keyboard will flash blue slowly if the battery is running low. When plugged in the key will show solid red to indicate charging. While that's sufficient, I do wish there was a way to check battery percentage more specifically. Most keyboard cases do this by integrating a dedicated battery button which pulses a set number of times to indicate a battery range. It isn't a deal breaker for me but anyone who uses keyboard cases heavily may get nervous not knowing where they stand battery wise at any given time.

The good

  • Thin profile when closed

  • Feels extremely high quality

  • Easy enough to remove and replace iPad

  • Great keyboard layout similar to what you'd find on a Mac keyboard

  • Backlit keys

  • Dedicated row of iOS specific buttons

The bad

  • Internal speaker is not great quality

  • Hinges sit a little closer to the actual screen than I would like

  • No rear protection for the iPad

  • Not the best battery monitoring system

  • Higher price tag than many competing keyboards

The bottom line

I've been typing for a few days on the BrydgeAir keyboard case, including this review, and I type just as fast as I can on my Mac's keyboard. The layout really is one of the best I've used to date. I do however wish the internal speaker and battery monitoring system were better.

These two issues aside, the backlit keyboard and high quality construction makes the BrydgeAir feel much more substantial than many other cover type cases, which can often feel cheap and flimsy. So if you want a case that matches the build quality of your iPad Air 2, the BrydgeAir keyboard case is a solid choice.

from iMore - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch blog


Ro-Bow Is a Violin-Playing Robot That Actually Sounds Pretty Good 

Described as a kinetic sculpture, Ro-Bow (as the name suggests) is a violin-playing robot that uses electromagnetic actuators to play digital files. Yeah, it won't be the first chair at the London Philharmonic any time soon, but its pretty amazing to watch all the machine's parts work in unison to produce some pretty decent tunes.


via Gizmodo

Phiaton’s MS 100 BA will change what you expect from $100 ear buds.

Phiaton's MS 100 BA in-ear headphones may not be the first balanced armature cans to break the $100 price barrier, but they might just be the first to do it right.

The post Phiaton’s MS 100 BA will change what you expect from $100 ear buds. appeared first on Digital Trends.

from Digital Trends


Developer finds a way to make Android Wear work with his iPhone

If you have an iPhone and want to use Android Wear, you're pretty much out of luck. Google has hinted in the past that it might bring iOS on board, but if you can't wait you'll be glad to hear that one popular Android developer has found a way to make it kinda work. Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh, better known within the aftermarket Android development community as MohammadAG, released a brief video yesterday showing his iPhone 6 pass along a notification to his Moto 360 smartwatch.

It turns out he got the two devices to talk to each other the same way a Pebble smartwatch communicates with an iPhone for notifications. He used the Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS), a feature built into iOS 7 and later, that connects via Bluetooth to pass...

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