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Tuesday 21 May 2019

Done with HBO Now after Game of Thrones ends? Here's how to cancel

How do you cancel HBO Now when you're done watching? Easily!

If you need to cancel your HBO Now subscription for whatever reason, it's easy to do. There's no contract, so there aren't any early termination fees, and since you pay for the service a month in advance, there is no balance to pay. Best of all, you can sign up again at any time.

The steps below only work if you signed up for HBO Now through your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV using your Apple ID and iTunes account. If you signed up for the service in any other way (like from the HBO Now website), you'll have to cancel your subscription there.

How to cancel HBO Now on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

  1. Launch the App Store app from your Home screen.
  2. From the Today tab, tap the Profile icon at the top right of the screen.
  3. Tap your Manage Subscriptions.

  4. Scroll, then tap on your subscription.
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription.
  6. Tap Confirm to cancel the subscription.

That's it. Your subscription will be canceled at the end of your billing period.

How to cancel HBO Now on a Mac

  1. Launch iTunes.
  2. On the toolbar, click Account > View My Account.
  3. Scroll, click on Manage to the right of Subscriptions.

  4. Scroll, then click on Edit to the right of your subscription.
  5. Click Cancel Subscription.
  6. Confirm the cancellation.

That's it. Your subscription will be canceled at the end of your billing period.

How to cancel HBO Now on Apple TV

  1. Go to the Settings app on your Apple TV.
  2. Select Accounts > Manage Subscriptions.

  3. Choose the subscription you would like to cancel.
  4. Press Cancel Subscription.
  5. Confirm the cancellation.

How to cancel HBO Now directly from the HBO Now website

  1. Navigate to from your web browser.
  2. Click Sign In in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Enter your Email address and password to sign in.
  4. Click on Settings in the upper right corner.
  5. Click on Billing Information.
  6. Click on the switch next to Auto-Renew to turn off auto-renew.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the changes.

Your subscription will end at the end of your current billing cycle.

Note: If you purchased or started your HBO Now subscription on another device or platform, such as Amazon's Kindle, Android, Samsung, or Roku, you'll need to cancel your subscription through that device.

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Any questions?

Do you have any questions about canceling a subscription through iTunes? Put them in the comments, and we'll help you out.

from iMore - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch blog

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